Leadership is a key factor in developing and maintaining healthy churches. New Life Community Church is committed to developing leaders who will inspire others to know and follow Christ.
Effective leaders have three things in common: a sense of a call from God for their task, an exhibition of Christian character in their lifestyle and a demonstration of competence in their ability to lead and model effective ministry. At New Life Community Church we give attention to discipling believers who will, in turn, disciple others. Christian discipleship is at the core of Christian leadership. Church leaders are called to encourage every Christian to work together in the context of the new community to reach out with the ministry of the gospel.
Leadership involves the stewardship of our influence. Paul, an apostle of the early church, wrote, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1). True spiritual leadership is about the work of the Holy Spirit leading spiritual men and women in the direction of fulfilling God’s kingdom purposes to the degree that they are inspiring and equipping others to actively move in that direction also.

At New Life Community Church we realize that only Christ is fit to be the head of the church. Therefore as a body of believers, we seek to understand what His will is and to do it as the power of His Spirit works within us and among us. To do this, the whole church needs to be alive to the Word of God and the power of prayer.
The New Testament pattern is that each local church be led by a plurality of godly leaders referred to as elders (Titus 1:5). This term is used interchangeably with ‘overseers’ and ‘shepherds’ . Whereas the term ‘elder’ denotes an advanced degree of spiritual maturity, wisdom, skill, and experience, the term ‘overseer’ refers to spiritual discernment, alertness, ability to provide nurturing care for the well being of the flock and protection from destructive practices and deceptive predators (Acts 20:28-31; 1 Peter 5:1-4; James 5:14; Titus 1:9). They are to be examples of those given to the Word of God and prayer.
In response to the Biblical pattern of leadership, members of the body are encouraged in the Scriptures to lovingly support and submit to their leaders (Hebrews 13:17; Thessalonians 5:12-13).

Elders are chosen from the congregation and serve renewable one year terms. An elder’s service as an overseer may be discontinued by his own decision or by the unanimous decision of the other elders.
Although the New Testament had a ‘plurality’ of leaders, they did not exhibit ‘parity’ in leadership. Each leader contributed in a unique manner, according to their particular God-given gifts, measure of faith, and sphere of influence (Ephesians 4:11-12). For example, in the Book of Acts, each member of the leadership team of the church at Antioch had unique gifts as prophets and teachers that contributed to the building up of the church and its mission to the world (Acts 13:1-2). At New Life, we encourage each one to discover their spiritual gift and exercise it under the headship of Christ. The body of Christ is built up, ministries are born and mission is extended, as each member does its work and fulfills his or her calling (Ephesians 4:16).

The lead pastor, or senior pastor, is a fellow-elder who is called and gifted to teach the Word of God and lead the local flock by example (Ephesians 4:11). There is mutual accountability among the eldership. Like any member of the body, the senior pastor is uniquely gifted and should seek to serve according to his gifts. His role is to make disciples, equipping believers to be true ministers in the body of Christ.

In July 2023, we welcomed the McGowan Family to New Life. Pastor James has been brought on to take over the Children’s Education Ministry as well as Adult Education and Tuesday Night’s School of Ministry. We are grateful for their addition to our New Life Family. (pictured left to right: Amy, Clara, Daphne, Evelyn and James McGowan)