Dec 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
Today we complete our reading through the One Year Bible! Well done! It has been a privilege to serve as your tour guide. Over the past year, hopefully, you have developed healthy habits of Bible reading, prayer, meditation while staying connected to God’s...
Dec 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S READING FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT- MALACHI 1:1-2:17 The name ‘Malachi’ means ‘the messenger of the Lord’. As a prophet, he is a messenger, and he speaks of ’a coming messenger’. As the last book in our Old Testament, the Book of Malachi bridges the 400-year gap...
Dec 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
DECEMBER 29 – TODAY’S READING FROM THE ONE YEAR BIBLE- ZECHARIAH 14:1-21; REVELATION 20:1-15; PSALM 148:1-14; PROVERBS 31:8-9 TODAY’S READING FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT- ZECHARIAH 14:1-21 Zechariah 14:1 1 Behold, a day is coming for the LORD… ‘The day...
Dec 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S READING FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT- – ZECHARIAH 12:1-13:9 Chapter 12 begins with the second ‘oracle’, or ‘prophetic burden’. Zechariah makes the Divine Authorship clear. This is the word of the LORD who stretches out the...
Dec 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
TODAY’S READING FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT- ZECHARIAH 10:1-11:17 In Zechariah 9:1-9, the prophet foretold events that led up to the first coming of Christ, including Jesus being recognized as Messiah when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on the Sunday before he...