Creative Arts
The arts provide an effective bridge of communication with today’s culture. Many people find that their hearts are touched as God’s love, truth, mercy, hope and beauty are portrayed with a fresh artistic vision. We believe that we can be catalytic agents for cultural transformation as we communicate the gospel through a variety of art forms. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth!” The potency of His kingdom life makes a counter-cultural difference.
At New Life we encourage one another to cultivate their creative passion, artistic skills and various communication gifts for the glory of God. Whatever the artistic medium, God can be glorified when we express our appreciation for what He has shown us to be true, noble, right, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy with the talents that He has given us.
Artists in our community are happy to encourage and assist those who are just setting out as well as those who have had many years of experience. There are opportunities to develop and express creativity at many of our ministry events through:
* Music
* Drama
* Dance
* Musical Theater
* Painting, Printmaking
* Sculpture, Crafts
* Set, Costume, Prop, Graphic Design
* Poetry, Song-Writing, Creative Writing
* Puppetry, Decoration, Story-Telling
We find that musical theater is a wonderful medium with which to engage our culture and to gather Christians together for evangelistic missions and discipleship through our unique ministry New Life Fine Arts.
By pooling our collective practical, spiritual and artistic gifts and skills together we glorify God and proclaim the worthiness of Christ and His redemptive works in original musicals and adaptations such as Song on the Wind, Ruth, Celestial City and Ebenezer Scrooge: A Christmas Carol.