What to Expect
Welcome to New Life! We celebrate that “the Church” is not a building, but a community… and we are a community within our community. After 32 years in Concord New Life Community Church is now holding its Sunday Morning Worship Services at our own ministry center; 221 Baker Avenue in Concord, MA @10:15 AM. We also meet in a variety of spaces throughout the week, including public halls and private homes. This is consistent with the pattern of the early Christian church (Acts 2:46).
What can I expect at your worship service?
Coffee, tea and refreshments are available before and after our service. Our worship band typically leads us in joyful singing, praise and prayer beginning at 10:15 AM in the upper room. The average length of our worship service is 90 minutes with 45-60 minutes devoted to a serious investigation of God’s self-revelation in the Bible. We typically conclude with prayer, a song of praise as well as coffee and refreshments in the hospitality wing around 12 noon.
On the third Sunday of every month we usually observe communion at the conclusion of the message. We welcome all who have placed their trust in Christ as Lord and Savior to participate with us in this symbolic ordinance as we remember God’s grace through the substitutionary life and death of His Son represented in the bread and the cup. If you have questions about communion or what it means to place your trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ, we invite you to connect with a member of our leadership team during a worship service or contact us during the week.
What should I wear?
You can expect to see people of every age group and a variety of interests, backgrounds and dress styles from jeans and t-shirts or shorts to collared shirts and slacks, suits and ties or dresses. Casual business dress is encouraged, but please come in clothing that is both worshipful and comfortable for you.
I have kids, do you have something special for the children?
Teens and adults gather in the Upper Room where we sing and hear God’s word and respond to Him together.
Our Middle School class is dismissed from the main assembly after worship to join their teachers in their downstairs classrooms.
Discovery World is our Christian Education program for children ages 0-11. We encourage you to arrive 10 minutes early to get your kids checked in; our ushers are happy to direct you to the proper classrooms.
Do you have other events besides the Sunday morning worship service?
There are a wide variety of gatherings throughout the week in many local area locations, including small groups that meet for fellowship, prayer, bible study, and discipleship. For other scheduled events, check out our calendar or our Sunday bulletin.
You may also contact our office by phone or email to inquire about events or to request to join our weekly email newsletter.
info@newlife.org / 978.369.0061